Rescued from the demolition at the last moment, thanks to the intervention of the Official College of Architects of Madrid, the building of the factory Clesa, of the architect Alejandro de la Sota together with engineer Manuel Ramos, began a new life. After this intervention Metrovacesa, a demolition promoter for the later construction of a residential complex in the area, convenes ideas to adapt the building and its surroundings to new uses.
For this project it is proposed that the building have a commercial center use in the area of the factory and nursery of companies in the office area of the factory. On the one hand a public park is proposed and on the other side a public square that lodge underneath a parking lot with connection to the mall. The assembly is finished with the proposal of a building destined for hotel use that closes the whole of the square.
Due to the high height of the factory area, it is proposed to set a more adjusted setter for the use of a commercial center, duly permeable so as not to lose the interior view of the assembly. Two internal perpendicular streets are created that cross in the point with greater height where the vertical communications are lodged. These streets communicate the different entrance points of the building.