Cultural center in Málaga

Concurso centro cívico Málaga

Located on the site occupied by the former Victoria-Astoria cinemas, this proposal is presented to the contest of ideas convened by the City of Malaga to achieve the best architectural proposal for use and economic viability for the complex. This contest was in this sense something peculiar to the architectural discipline since not only the …[+]

Shopping center and offices at the Clesa factory

Concurso fábrica Clesa Alejandro de la Sota Madrid

Rescued from the demolition at the last moment, thanks to the intervention of the Official College of Architects of Madrid, the building of the factory Clesa, of the architect Alejandro de la Sota together with engineer Manuel Ramos, began a new life. After this intervention Metrovacesa, a demolition promoter for the later construction of a …[+]

Solvia Housing competition

Concurso viviendas Solvia

Under the title “Welcome home” Solvia real estate company called a competition to reflect on the future of collective residential building. To this end, the contestants were invited to submit proposals without any type of condition. So much so that not even proposed a site, something perhaps strange in an architectural competition. The proposal is …[+]

Socialcultural center in Reinosa

Concurso centro sociocultural Reinosa

Proposal for a new socialcultural center in Reinosa (Spain). This is the project for a building located on the site that occupied the food market destroyed by a fire. The Municipality of Reinosa after the fire of the building called a contest of ideas for the construction of a sociocultural center open to all citizens. …[+]

Lafarge visitor center

Rehabilitación almacen-5 Lafarge

The warehouse-5 located in the Lafarge cement factory, of unknown author, and included in the catalog of industrial heritage of the Iberian DOCOMOMO Foundation, was in a deplorable state. Known by the property, this situation called for a contest of ideas to convert the aforementioned warehouse into a visitor center of the factory. The proposal …[+]